How we help


Strategy + Execution


We don’t want to consult. We want to do.

Our principal deliverable is getting you into the market with the right product and the operational readiness to sell and deliver life-changing products.

We will de-risk your project and save you millions of dollars and years of development work.

If we can improve people’s health for less money then its a win-win-win for you, your new clients, and their members.

Commercialization consulting

Get your product ready. Spadework Health provides market-product fit analysis from decision-makers at jumbo employers, physician-led user journey mapping that includes human interventions and intersections with the face-to-face health system, value delivery direction and your first report templates, information security assessment and preparation, and sales and account management preparation.

growing flowers

Patient Management SAAS

Host your systems. Spadework Health creates and hosts a patient management system that includes a user interface app , a client interface app, and a patient interface app.  We support data exchange with your technology and assist in data exchange with outside systems such as EMRs, health plans, and other vendor partners.

Turn-key live healthcare specialist outsourcing

Have people on day 1. Spadework Health provides human healthcare assets to provide tele-medicine, tele-coaching, advocacy, provider search, and other services.

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